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» Listings for 2016

  1. I was delighted earlier this year to be asked to design a book cover for the Scottish Association of Literary Studies for their New Writing Scotland book which is the principal forum for poetry and short fiction in Scotland today. Every year it publishes the very best from both emerging and established writers, and lists many of the leading literary lights of Scotland among its contributors.

    The brief was to design a cover which fitted the title story called "Talking About Lobsters"  The cover would needed to contain the subtitle: New Writing Scotland 34 and the editors’ names: Edited by Gerry Cambridge and Diana Hendry

    The art work had to include fishermen and boats which were particularly suitable to the title. Based on the text of the story from which the volume title was drawn. An image requiring a boat and fishermen at the top and a lobster/lobsters and pots at the bottom, with space in between for the text.

    Space had to be left for the spinewith the finished book cover being 216mm tall x 138mm wide with a 5mm bleed. The image had to be supplied digitally CMYK print ready within 4 weeks time.

    I began by working out a sketch in pencil which was approved with one or two alterations to the spacing.

    ASLS bookcover sketch mock up in pencil

    The next step was to draw the sketch up to twice the actual size of the book cover.  Working at this scale allows for the image to be sharp when it is photographed and reduced to the correct size. Then I began to paint the artwork leaving space for the type.

    Association of Scottish Literary Studiescover art work

    The next step was to work on back of the bookcover and the spine...

    ASLS finished art whole cover

    When the artwork was finished being painted it was photographed.  Then it was ready to be worked on digitally to have the title and other type added. I created a digital guide with the dimensions I had been given to allow for a 5mm bleed for the printer.  This allows them a bit of leeway when they run the finished covers through the print press.

    5 asls artwork with copy mock up

    6 asls final artwork asls cover

    When the visual guides are removed you can see the finished artwork with the copy in place. The digital file is then sent away to be printed. Then a few weeks later a copy of the book arrived in the post! It has some great stories and verse in it if you like reading you can find details of where to get your copies from the Association of Scottish Literary Studies. 

    ASLS Talking About Lobsters final book

    Read and enjoy!

  2. Over the summer I have been busy and paintings are now out in a selection of galleries stretching from Yorkshire to Glasgow with lots of new paintings on show. Galleries showing my work are the Annan Gallery in Woodlands road in Glasgow's West End, the Acorn Gallery in Pocklington in Yorkshire and the Cookhouse and Cedar Galleries in the Lake District. Look out for paintings arriving with Stirling Art soon. You can see a selection of the new paintings below. As always if you have any queries please contact me at [email protected] I hope you all have a great summer!





    a boat called hopeful

    "A Boat called Hopeful"

  3. As usual this year I will taking part in our local Spring Fling Open Studio event from 28 - 30 May at Kirkbean Village Hall. I'll be there from 10.30 to 5.30am each day. 

    I use the Village Hall because my those who have visited my studio will know it is...well...small and up two steep flights of stairs.  I have huge windows to the front and back over looking the sea at the front and the hills and fields at the back.  Unfortunately though it just wouldn't be practical getting everyone up here!

    drawing board

    However, I love using the Village Hall and I'm so lucky that the local community are very supportive and run a brilliant cafe in the hall all weekend.  So for very resonable prices people can have hot soup, sandwhiches and the most amazing selection of home made cake. Oh...and of course look at my paintings too!

    It's a great opportunity for me to get to meet people and talk to them about what I do.  Some people come back year after year to see what is new and others are on holiday and passing by.  I've had visitors from Devon and Denmark who have come over especially. People also get the chance to meet Alan my partner who features in quite a few of my paintings and of course our dog Jack who is happy to meet and greet as requested.  But don't worry if you are nervous about dogs Jack can keep a low profile too.

    village hall

    One of the things people enjoy the most of course is seeing what new paintings I have and there is always a large display of new work with paintings available in lots of sizes from the tiny to the large. Of course I will have a large selection of new prints which are now available in 3 sizes and can come mounted or framed.

    sf imageseascape

    This year my work in progress corner is going to show sketches and the beginnings of art work for a book cover I have been commissioned to do.  It's due for completion at the beginning of June so it should be on it's way by the end of May.

    I'm also having my regular childrens corner and this time there will be free colouring in sheets with all paper and pencils provided.  Kids can take home their own hand drawn greetings card too, all for free.

    small sheep

    Oh and this year again I'll be having a free prize draw to win your own mini painting...all you need to do is jot down your contact details.

    Well having said all that I had better go and get organised! Hope to see you there!