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» Listings for December 2015

  1. yellow dog and friends

    I have work in 3 Christmas Exhibitions over the winter so if you are out and about please pop in to see them.  They are with the Annan Gallery on Woodlands Road in Glasgow, in Helensburgh and Cut the Mustard in Langholm. If you can't make any of those dates them please contact me about paintings I have in stock and I will be happy to help with any queries. Meantime have a great festive build up!

  2. ohh dear

    I'll be at Shambellie House near New Abbey on Sat 14th and sun 15th Nov from 11am to 4pm as part of a pop up exhibition.  I'll be alongside 4 other Spring Fling artists Val Macadam, Laura Hudson Mackay, Micheal Pell and Archie McCall.  There will also be photography exhibitions on from the Royal Photographic Society and The Galloway Collective...oh and refreshments too.   I'll have a selection of paintings for sale the one above as well as a wide selection or snow scene prints, mugs, coasters and Christmas cards. I hope some of you can come and maybe make it into a wee day out!  Looking forward to seeing you there!