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» Listings for May 2020

  1. I was delighted this week to have my jigsaw puzzle chosen by The Independent as part of their feature on 9 best jigsaw puzzles for kids and adults that will provide hours of fun during lockdown! Here is what they said...

    "This is a great price point for what is a quite challenging puzzle really.

    The contemporary and colourful fishing village scene found in 'No Ball Games' is painted by Scottish artist Ailsa Black. The variety of colour and detail on the busy scene makes for a vigorous challenge, although we reckon most children aged 11 and over could benefit from it.

    We really appreciated the linen finish on the print because it massively reduced the glare that can hinder puzzlers – particularly those working directly under lights. The pieces are tough and durable – so you won’t see any flaking or bending."

    independant best jigsaw puzzles

  2. When the Covid-19 pandemeic struck I wanted to be able to use my art as a positive resource for people to be able to tap in to. 

    colouring in with ailsa black free colouring in sheets

    As a small gift to all my loyal fans I have just created a whole new page to my website and it has all my colouring in sheets on it which are free for you to download and print at home. These are some suitable for both adults and children.  So if you are stuck in the hsoue or need something to entertain the children then these may be of some help!

    best friends free cat and dog colouring in download